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Cameron brings Australian Touch to Le Castellet

Cameron brings Australian Touch to Le Castellet

Aussie driver Aaron Cameron was treated to a memorable experience in a Peugeot 308 TCR at Le Castellet, France, at the end of October. His exchange move with Teddy Clairet saw the Frenchman go on to race a similar car at Bathurst, Australia.

Aaron TCR France 4

Aaron Cameron travelled several thousand kilometres from his usual stomping ground to take part in late-October’s FIA Motorsport Games. His Peugeot was decked out in the proud colours of his homeland as it competed in the TCR Touring Car Cup class against a field of 15 or so other cars representing countries like Switzerland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Venezuela, Argentina, Norway, Sweden, Canada, Ireland and France.

The host nation’s representative – Teddy Clairet – proved the perfect guide as the 22-year-old Australian familiarised himself with the south-of-France venue. Indeed, as part of a mutually-beneficial swap arrangement, the Frenchman travelled to the southern hemisphere not long afterwards to race at Bathurst with Garry Rogers Motorsports, the team that runs Cameron.

Aaron TCR France 2

“I spotted the differences with home the instant I landed. The roads, the motorways…,” reported the latter. “As for Le Castellet, I was impressed by the standard of the facilities. So professional. And so much space. That struck me during the familiarisation lap. It’s a circuit where you have to be extremely precise, but the run-off areas allow mistakes. At Bathurst, you can find yourself in trouble if you’re not right on your game.


“I had a tremendous time at Le Castellet and appreciated everyone in the Clairet team. It’s a family-run operation but very professional, and the atmosphere’s great,” enthused the Australian who was also happy to sample the culinary differences between France and home.


Teddy & Aaron AUS

He was a little less attentive to the circuit’s limits early on, however, and was issued with a number of warnings. “In the race itself, I had a few good scraps. With Canada, for example.”

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